石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2165&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁93&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁97-98&*王武(西元一六三二-一六九○年),字勤中,號忘庵,自稱雪顛道人,精於寫生花鳥,兼工山水。 以線條鉤畫芭蕉,再以淡墨襯染蕉葉,使有霜雪之意。王氏復畫竹,以其墨葉增加畫面之變化。按芭蕉生於南國,雪中芭蕉有違物理。唐王維曾作袁安臥雪圖,圖內有雪中芭蕉,賞者卻喜其超理入神,因此後人時有雪蕉之作。 &* Wang Wu was a native of Soochow in Kiangsu province. His style name was Ch’in-chung, and his sobriquet Wang-an, but he also called himself Hsűeh-tien tao-jen. He was skilled in painting birds and flowers from life as well as in depicting landscapes. By painting the stalk of the banana tree in outline and leaves in broad ink washes, Wang conveyed the appearance of the plant in snow and frost. He also added bamboo to heighten the sense of variation by rendering leaves in dark monochrome ink. Although it goes against the logic of Nature to paint the tropical banana tree growing in snow, Wang Wei (ca. 701-761) of the T’ang dynasty is said to have done so, and this great master’s work inspired such awe in its viewers that many later artists also painted this subject.