石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2157&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁510&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁73-74&* 王鑑,江蘇太蒼人。字圓照,號湘碧,自稱染香庵主。生於明萬曆二十六年(西元一五九八),卒於清康熙十六年(西元一六七七)。畫山水,祖法董源、巨然、黃公望。 疊嶂疏林,清溪野彴,構景深受黃公望影響,部分山石、畫樹亦黄家筆意。大部份畫山石之法,則透過吳鎮而力追巨然,筆筆沉雄練達,真所謂於董巨有深詣者。 &* Wang Chien was a native of T’ai-ts’ang in Kiangsu province. His tzu (style name) was Yüan-chao, and his hao(sobriquets) included Hsiang-pi and Jan-hsiang An-chu. He excelled in landscape painting and often worked in the manners of Tung Yüan, Monk Chü-jan, and Huang Kung-wang. The arrangement of the layers of mountain peaks, scattered trees, and clear streams in this painting reflects the Huang Kung-wang tradition, as do certain details in the handling of the trees and rocks; the general structuring and texturing of the mountains, however, follow the Chü-jan tradition as transmitted by the Yüan dynasty master Wu Chen. The brushwork in this painting is especially strong and virile. Wang Chien can be called a true follower of the Tung-Chü Tradition.