石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2257&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁102&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁221-222&*黃本復,生卒年待考。字來一,號仙源、松子。居安徽歙縣。擅長畫花鳥和草蟲。 兩株蒼翠勁拔的松樹間,跳躍著四隻喜鵲。松樹經過層層的點畫,表現出濃蔭密佈的感覺。喜鵲和苔點則加染石綠,為畫面憑添一些明亮的色彩,更襯托出松樹的沈鬱幽深。&*Huang Pen-fu, whose birth and death dates are unknown, resided in She-hsien, Anhwei Province. He excelled at painting the subject matter of birds-and-flowers and grasses-and-insects. Four magpies jump among the trunks of two verdant, strong, and impressive pine trees. The magpie is a traditional Chinese symbol of happiness and the pine represents old age, making this work also auspicious in nature. The pine trees were done with layers of strokes and dots to suggest the dense and thick shade of the trees and their volume. The magpies and moss dots include touches of mineral green, adding a sense of bright color to the painting while further setting them off against the deep and dark serenity and atmosphere of the pine trees.