故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁132&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁223-224&* 沈振麟,江蘇吳鎮人,(一作元和人)。字鳳池。工寫照,兼善寫生,山水、人物各臻其妙。咸同間供奉內廷,慈禧太后賜御筆傳神妙手扁額。 庭園中桃竹交映,下作一石,芳草如茵。暹羅貓三隻,大貓蹲於大石上,二子貓相撲為戲,神情宛眞。從筆墨傅彩上看,已無康雍乾三朝畫院花鳥畫之精細穠艷。 &* Shen Chen-lin (style name Feng-ch’ih) was a native of Wu-chen, Kiangsu. He was a skilled portraitist and was also good at nature studies, landscapes, and figures. He served at the courts of the Hsien-feng and T’ung-chih Emperors (1851-1875). The Dowager Empress Tz’u-hsi presented to him a tablet with the characters reading, “To a miraculous hand that transmits the spirit.” In this painting, bamboo are interspersed among cherry branches in a garden, and the ground is cushioned with fragrant grass. A cat sits on a rock while two kittens chase each other in this charming and lively scene. The style of brushwork and coloring differs from the refined and colorful manner of bird-and-flower painting from the courts of the K’ang-hsi, Yung-cheng, and Ch’ien-lung Emperors (1662-1795).