故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁133 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁249-250&* 許良標,生平待考。其活動年代約在清末(十九世紀)。 本幅繪芭蕉樹下,一容貌清秀少女正手持團扇,倚坐於湖畔石上,凝望著欄杆外之荷田,若有所思。景物清晰,設色鮮麗,構景上規範於透視之遠近關係,傅色上著意於凹凸暈染,殆受西洋繪畫之影響。 &*Beauty Beside a Plantain Tree Hsü Liang-piao (fl. 19th c.) Ch’ing Dynasty The birth and death dates of Hsü Liang-piao are uncertain, but he appears to have been active in the 19th century towards the end of the Ch’ing dynasty (1644-1911). In the shade of a plantain tree, a beautiful lady holding a fan sits on an ornamental garden rock. In a pose of serene contemplation, she gazes beyond the railing in front of her at the lush lotuses in full bloom. The clarity of the individual elements in the composition, the high quality of the bright colors, the emphasis on the contrast between foreground and far distance, and the attention to three-dimensionality all indicate the influence of Western techniques of painting.