石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1056&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁45&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁297-300&* 徐渭(一五二一-一五九三)字文長,號天池,晚號青藤道人,浙江山陰人。嘉靖三十七年(一五五八)曾入閩督胡宗憲幕府,又曾因行跡狂異入獄。晚年著書鬻畫為生。山水、人物、花蟲、竹石,無不精擅,嘗自評:吾書第一,詩二,文三,畫四。 本幅潑墨寫叢竹數竿,筆法恣肆,水墨淋漓,狀雨中之竹。卷末以淡墨畫幼竹數竿,尤為可愛。 &* Hsü Wei’s thicket of bamboo is executed with great unrestrained splashes of ink; the ink looks almost dripping wet, as if the bamboo were rain soaked. The young bamboo saplings done in light ink at the end of the seroll have their own charm. Hsü Wei was from shan-yin in Chekiang. His sytle name was Wen-ch’ang; he was also known under the sobriquet T’ien-ch’ih, and toward the end of his life, under the sobriquet Ch’ing-t’eng tao-jen. In 1558 he entered the Private Secretariat of Hu Tsung-hsien, the then Viceroy for Fukien; Hsü’s peculiar personality, however, eventually landed him in prison. In his later years he earned a living by writing and by selling paintings. He excelled in paining landscapes, figures, flowers, insects, bamboo, and rocks. He evalutated his own works and saying “My calligraphy ranks first; my poetry, second; my writing, third; and my painting, fourth.”