石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2377&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁113&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁257-258&* 錢載,生於康熙四十七(公元一七○八)年,卒於乾隆五十八(公元一七九三)年,浙江秀水人,字坤一,號籜石,又號匏尊,晚號萬松居士,乾隆十七年進士,品學俱敦,工詩善畫,所畫蘭石,亨譽尤隆。 本幅墨梅,畫法學元王冕,老幹柔枝,任意穿插,繁花密蕊,隨勢圈點,筆墨秀勁,雅韻宜人,自有天眞爛漫處。 &* Ch’ien Tsai, a native of Hsiu-shui, Chekiang, was born in 1708 and died 1793. His style name was K’un-i and his sobriquets Tuo-shih, P’ao-tsun, and Wan-sung Chü-shih. In 1752 he received his chih-shih degree. A man of high integrity and learning, Ch’ien excelled at poetry and painting, especially in the rendition of orchids and rocks. This painting, of ink plum blossoms, shows the influence of the Yüan dynasty master, Wang Mien. The old and withered branches are combined with the new, fresh ones to give support to the delicate and free blossoms. The absence of color in no way limits the elegant composition and relaxed rhythm so natural in flavor.