石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2436&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁123&* 金廷標(活動於西元一七六0–西元一七六七年),字士揆。善長畫人物、花卉和山水。用筆富有流動的筆趣。 長至即是冬至日,這時太陽運行到南迴歸線,對北半球來說,因為太陽斜射,所以日最短,夜最長。這時若立竿在地面,用線來測量日影,日影當然最長,比較其他日子來說自有添線的必要。另外,從冬至後,白日漸長,婦女從事女紅的時間也增加,因此便有添線之說,以為象徵。 &* Chin T’ing-piao excelled at painting figures, birds-and-flowers, and landscapes. His meticulous brushwork was rich yet meticulous. “Adding thread” refers to the lengthening hours of daylight after the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year and celebrated in China. In ancient times, the court measured the sun’s shadow every day with a thread. After the winter solstice, a longer thread was used (“added”) each day. Later, thread also came to refer to the increasing light available for women to finish their weaving. In other words, “more thread” could be added to a chore each day. In this somewhat fanciful rendition by Chin T’ing-piao, he has used artistic license to show these three ladies with string in a garden setting. &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁245-246&*1.劉芳如,〈清金廷標長至添線〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《仕女畫之美》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年四月初版),頁89。