故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁115&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁325-326&* 關槐,仁和人,字晉卿,乾隆庚子傳臚詩章翰墨,脫頴不羣,山水得董誥指授,駸二入宋元之室,筆思蒼潤恬靜,有出藍之譽。 此畫松柏梅竹四種,皆為凌霜傲雪,四時常青之植物。筆墨秀潤,唯梅竹作細筆雙鈎,與松柏略欠和諧之感。 &* Kuan Huai (18th century) was a native of Jen-ho in Chekiang province. His style name was Chin-ch’ing. Contemporary records describe his literary and artistic achievements as standing out from the common crowd. He studied landscape painting with Tung Kao and became thoroughly familiar with the masters of the Sung and Yüan dynasties. His brushwork was mature and rich in appearance, quiet and restful in character. He was praised as having surpassed his teacher. This painting shows pine, cypress, plum and bamboo, all of which proudly endure winter’s frost and snow. The technique is beautifully moist; the plum and bamboo are drawn with a fine outline, combining harmoniously with the more sketchy style in the trees.