石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1046&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁20&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十五冊,頁253-256&*劉永年(約活動於西元十一世紀前半葉),字君錫,彭城(江蘇徐州)人,後遷居開封。章獻明肅皇后之姪,官至深州防禦使,才敏有神力,兼善繪畫。 水濱鶺鴒起落翔止,山雀、兔子悠於山茶、棘竹之間。畫家藉禽獸之態,寫蕭閒自適之情境。舊傳本幅為劉永年之作。&*Liu Yung-ning, whose style name was Chün-hsi, was a native of Hsü-chou, Kiangsu. He later moved to Kai-feng, capital of the Northern Sung. A nephew of a Sung empress, he rose to be Defense Commissioner of Sheng-chou. He was said to possess a god-1ike genius, and he also excelled at painting. A long a river bank, wagtails are taking off and landing. Sparrows and rabbits play among camellia plants, buckthorns and bamboo. The painting aptly describes the relaxed attitudes of animals in a natural setting.