故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁32&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十六冊,頁25-28&*趙令穰,神宗、哲宗(一○六七—一一○○)時人,字大年。仕至崇信軍節度觀察留後,追封榮國公。雅有美才高行,讀書能文,戲弄翰墨,尤工草書,其所作多小軸,甚清麗,雪景類王維筆,汀渚水鳥,有江湖意。 小亭中,兩人坐對賞花,江干水渚,群卉爭發,設色艷麗,惟未必出於趙令穰手筆,畫中人亦無特殊造形,但拖尾諸跋,均以陶潛賞菊故事為題詠。&*Chao Ling-jang rose to high rank at court and was posthumously ennobled. Well-read and refined, Chao was also an accomplished writer. In calligraphy, he excelled at cursive script. In painting, he created snow scenes reminiscent of those of Wang Wei. His shore scenes with waterfowl were said to be imbued with the spirit of waterscapes. Red and green foliage punctuate the sandy banks above a river, where in a pavilion at the shore sit two men admiring several sprigs of flowers. This finely colored painting, however, is not necessarily by Chao's hand; the figures, for example, are less than extraordinary. The colophons at the left, nevertheless, agree that it depicts T'ao Yüan-ming admiring chrysanthemums.&*1.王耀庭,〈宋趙令穰陶潛賞菊圖〉,收入王耀庭編,《淵明逸致特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年初版),頁111。