故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁117&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁383-384&* 曹夔音,江蘇省江寧縣人。乾隆時以畫供奉內廷,工畫山水,生卒年不詳。 丹楓滿嶺,溪水廻環,一人作苑屋中觀書,一人扶杖渡澗,有童子荷擔隨行。 &*Landscape Ts’ao K’uei-yin Ch’ing dynasty Ts’ao K’uei-yin, a native of Chiang-ning in the Chiang-su province, served the court as a painter in the Ch’ien-lung’s reign. He excelled in landscape paintings. A stream meanders through hills covered with red maples. A man reads in his studio while another one, crossing a ravine with a staff, is followed by a boy servant carrying bags.