石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3205&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁123&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁247-248&* 金廷標字士揆,烏程(浙江吳興)人。善人物,兼工山水、花卉。清高宗南巡,進白描羅漢冊,稱旨,召入內廷供奉。生卒年不詳,作品見於乾隆二十五年(一七六○)至三十二年(一七六七)間。 本幅繪荒山田疇間,一位頭戴笠帽的老翁,正弓背專注地耘草。身後,一位高士著巾服朱履,向老翁雙手作揖,狀甚恭敬。筆墨流暢富機趣,人物衣紋用筆粗放,收放間有提頓。臉部以暈染分明暗,蓋宮中畫家受西法影響所致。 &* A native of Wu-hsing, Chekiang, Chin T’ing-piao was a skilled painter of figure, flower and landscape subjects. He presented an album of Lohan painted in pai-miao (outline drawing) technique to the Ch’ien-lung Emperor when the latter was on an inspection tour of south China, after which the artist was awarded a position in the academy of painting. An old man in a bamboo hat bends his back, fully occupied in tilling the ground. Behind him a noble gentleman in proper attire and red shoes raises his held hands in the manner of making reverence. The brushwork is free and bold, adding liveliness to the figures. The chiaroscuro in the faces is executed with wash, indicating the influence of Western painting upon court artists.