故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁95&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁247-248&* 諸升(西元一六一八-卒年不詳),浙江仁和人。字日如,號曦庵。善畫蘭竹石,所繪雪竹尤佳。諸竹畫竹師法明代魯得之,得之墨竹則自元代吳鎮來,故其竹法,出枝布葉,皆得元人之神趣。 本幅雪竹,勁挺有神,意象寒峭,一種清操厲節之氣,溢乎楮素,的是不凡。時年七十三,為其存世晚年之作。 &* Chu Sheng was a native of Jen-ho in Chekiang province. His style name was Jih-ju and his sobriquet Hsi-an. He was good at painting orchids, bamboo and rocks, while his scenes of bamboo in snow were especially beautiful. He studied the bamboo style of the late Ming dynasty painter Lu Te-chih (1585-?), whose style in turn had derived from that of Wu Chen (1280-1354). The bamboo paintings by Chu Sheng thus appear close in spirit to those of the Yuan dynasty. The bamboo in this work are arrayed in steely strength, an image of the harsh cold, yet imbued with an exceptional air of untarnished and disciplined probity. The artist signed himself as aged 72, making the painting one of the last in his known ouevre.