石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2307&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁110&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十二冊,頁103-104&* 董邦達(一六九九-一七六九),字孚存,號東山,浙江富陽人。乾隆二年(一七三七)授編修,曾參預石渠寶笈、秘殿珠林等書的編纂工作。畫山水近接思翁(董其昌),遠追北苑(董源),論者有古今三董相承之說。 此幅描寫天地寒凍,萬籟俱寂之景,高士乘興賞雪,高蹤逸興,躍然紙上。用淡墨染背景,留白成巨巖,而以細筆乾皴規律地分割紋理;刻畫枯枝草叢,細膩一如網脈。通幅表現靜態的裝飾美。 &* Tung Pang-ta (tzu Fu-ts’un, hao Tung-shan) was a native of Fu-yang, Chekiang. In 1737 A.D. he was appointed to the post of government compiler an assisted in editing the catalogue of the Ch’ien-lung Emperor, Shih-ch’ü pao-chi mi-tien chu-lin. His painting style was based on those of Tung Yüan (fl. 937-975 A.D.) and Tung Ch’i-ch’ang (1555-1636 A.D.) and the three have sometimes been refered to collectively as the three Tungs. The atmosphere is icy, the stillness almost overpowering. A scholar ascends to enjoy the snow. Tung has employed light washes of ink in the background. While extensive areas have been left unpainted, fine line and dry ts’un, regularly spaced, are used to define the texture of the rocks. The clumps of withered branches and grasses resemble a web. The painting possesses a quiet, some-what ornamental beauty.