石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2287 &故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁135&故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁379-380& 張若靄(西元一七一三-一七四六)清安徽桐城人。字晴嵐,雍正癸丑(一七三三)傳臚。襲伯爵,諡文僖。善書,工畫花竹、禽蟲,深得王穀祥、周之冕遺意。 秋卉盛開,有雞冠、秋葵、雁來紅、菊、紅蓼、鳳仙等,麗色繽紛,芬芳滿庭。畫家為強調群芳爭妍,因略去建築與花卉之客觀比例,然宮室仍以界畫,並摻用透視法工筆描繪。畫成於乾隆十一年(一七四六)。 &Illustration of Ch’ien-lung’s Poem on Autumn Flowers Chang Jo-ai Ch’ing dynasty A native of T’ung-ch’eng, Anhui, Chang Jo-ai (tzu: Ch’ing-lan), was given the title of count and the name, ‘Wen-hsi’, in 1733. A skilled calligrapher and painter, he was noted particularly for his flower, bamboo, animal, and insect subjects. Chang fromed his painting style on the ideas of Wang Ku-hsiang (1501-1568) and Chou Chih-min (c. 1580-1610). A range of vividly colored flowers are depicted: cockscomb, yellow hollyhock, Chinese amaranth, chrysanthemum, red nettles and balsam. The flowers tower over the surrounding architectural settings, denying any believable scale relationship. By this intentional ambiguity, the artist emphasized the sumptuous surface pattern of the flora.