石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁610&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁98&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁23-24&* 高其佩(西元一六七二至一七三四年),字韋之,號且園,又號南村。東北遼陽人。工指畫,自稱畫從夢授,夢自心成。凡花木、鳥獸、魚龍、人物,無不精妙,尤以山水人物為勝。山水沈著,人物生動,深得明吳偉之神趣。 本幅畫層巒疊翠,溪澗村居。田間農人耕作,山徑行旅載途。溪水溶溶,遠山春靄,春意甚濃。全圖筆觸蒼勁,墨色濃淡有致,層次分明。 &* Kao Ch’i-p’ei whose style name was Wei-chih and sobriquets Ch’ieh-yüan and Nan-ts’un, was from Liao-yang, Manchuria. He was good at finger painting, and said of his own art that it was received in a vision which came from his inner spirit. He was skilled in a variety of subjects-flowers and trees, birds and animals, fish and dragons-particularly figure subjects and landscapes. His figures are full of vitality and his carefully composed and stable landscapes capture the artistic spirit of the Ming painter Wu Wei. In this work, layers of mountains, streams, and dwellings fill the picture space. Within, farmers are cultivating fields, and figures are traversing the mountain paths. The water-swelled streams and the luxuriant growth on the mountains express the abundance of spirit. The painting is everywhere vigorous and energetic with clearly defined strata of dark and light brushwork. &* 高其佩(西元一六七二-一七三四年),字 韋之,號且園,又號南村。遼寧人。凡花木、鳥 獸、魚龍、人物,無不精妙,尤以山水人物為勝 。其山水沈著,人物生動,深得明吳偉之神趣。 另以指頭作畫著稱,奇情異趣,信手而成。 本幅畫層巒叠翠,山城寺閣錯落,溪上泊櫂 連檣,岸畔田疇村居。稻田?農人耕作,山徑有 行旅載途。溪水溶溶,遠山春靄,春意甚濃。全 圖筆觸蒼勁,墨色敷彩濃淡有致,層次分明。(20100104)&* Gao Qipei (style name Weizhi; sobriquets Qieyuan, Nancun) was a native of Liaoning. He excelled at various subjects, such as flowers, animals, dragons, and figures, but he was particularly gifted at sedate landscapes and lively figures in the spirit of the Ming artist Wu Wei. He was also a famous finger painter with an expressive style. This work depicts layers of verdant hills and peaks with village and temple buildings. Boats travel on the river, and by the shore are fields and scenes of village life. Farmers work in the paddies as travelers go along the paths. The stream rushes by and spring mists envelope the distant peaks as spring hangs in the air. The brushwork is mature, and the ink tones and colors well ordered from light to dark in clear layers.(20100104)