故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁179&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁121-122&* 弘旿,生年不詳,卒於嘉慶十六年(西元一八一一年),滿清宗室,姓愛新覺羅,字恕齋,又字醉迂,號一如居士、瑤華道人,官封固山貝子,能詩又能畫。以繪畫作品流傳,多見於乾隆十六(一七五一)至五十七年(一七九三)。 本幅畫重山樹木。出枝點葉、以及山峰岩石紋理的皴法,用筆用墨,都顯得非常茂密,大有群山聳翠,翁鬱有生氣。全幅構景,以左下右上對角線為主軸發展,益增其巍巍高上的峻拔氣勢。清初山水畫,王時敏、王原祁有相當的影響力,本幅即是這一種風格的延續 &* Hung Wu (surname Ai-hsin chüeh-Io [Aisin Gioro], style names Shu-chai and Tsui-yü, and sobriquets I-ju chü-shih and Yao-hua tao-jen) was a member of the Ch’img Manchu imperial clan and held the title of Banner Beile Prince. Also gifted at painting, as well as poetry, his surviving works date from 1751 to 1792. In this painting of serried ridges and forests, a profusion of leaves dot many of the trees. The texture of the earthen forms and mountains were rendered with dark brushstrokes repeated over and over to give the appearance of a dense, lush landscape. The composition unfolds from a diagonal line that stretches from lower left corner to the upper right, thereby enhancing the majesty of the towering mountains. In this Ch’ing dynasty landscape painting, the influence of the styles of Wang Shih-min (1592-1680) and Wang Yüan-ch’i (1642-1715) is strong, and it reflects a continuation of their style.