石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁701&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁104&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁293-294&*鄒一桂(西元一六八八-一七七二年),江蘇無錫人。字元褒,一字原褒,號小山,又號二知、讓卿。善工筆花卉,設色明淨,為清初宮廷著名花卉畫家。著有《小山畫譜》。 本幅畫菊花數枝、佛手柑兩個、香櫞和木瓜各一只。鄒一桂畫原出惲南田,本幅以水墨鉤花點葉,再略加線條鉤畫花葉筋脈,極為柔和典雅,尚見惲氏餘韻。&* Tsou I-Kuei, a native of Kiangsu, excelled at fine-line paintings of flowers using clear colors. He became a famous court painter of flowers in the early Ch’ing dynasty and was the author of a painting manual on the subject. This painting represents a couple sprigs of chrysanthemums, two “Buddha’s hand” citrus fruit, a hsiang-yüan fruit, and a papaya. Tsou’s style originally derived from that of Yün Shou-p’ing (1633-1690). This painting was done with ink to delineate the flowers and leaves, and lines were also used to represent the veins. The result is an extremely soft and elegant style that still reveals traces of Yün Shou-p’ing’s manner. &* Zou Yigui, a native of Wuxi in Jiangsu, went by the style name Yuanbao and the sobriquets Xiaoshan and Rangqing as well as the late sobriquet Erzhi laoren. Serving up to the post of Vice Minister of Rites, he excelled at painting flowers in fine lines and authored Painting Catalogue of Xiaoshan. This painting depicts several stalks of chrysanthemum blossoms, two Buddha-hand citrus fruits, and a large orange and a melon, which all appear in autumn. The motifs here serve as a metaphor for the literary talents and virtues of a literatus. Record of Painting in the [Qing] Dynasty, Continued mentions that Zou Yigui “excelled at flowers, a few branches and leaves arranged to flow with ease in colors clear and bright. With pure archaism to offset prettiness, it makes for an effect difficult to find since Yun Nantian (Shouping).” This work uses ink to outline the leaves with a few lines for the veins, creating an exceptionally soft and classic manner that indeed suggests the refined manner of the Qing master of flower painting, Yun Shouping (1633-1690).(20110102)&*鄒一桂(1686-1772),江蘇無錫人。字原褒,號小山、讓卿,晚號二知老人。官至禮部侍郎,善工筆花卉,著有《小山畫譜》。 本幅墨畫菊花數枝,佛手柑兩個,另有柑橘和瓜各一,秋季成熟的果實,比喻人的文采和德行。繪花園果實寫生靜物,具有素描底子,鉤勒菊花結構變化多。《國朝畫徵續錄》曾記「工花卉,分枝布葉,條暢自如,設色明淨,清古冶艷,惲南田後僅見也。」此幅純以水墨鉤花點葉,略加線條鉤繪筋脈,極為柔和典雅,尚可見惲氏餘韻。(20110102)&*1.〈清 鄒一桂 金英秋實〉,收入譚怡令、劉芳如、林莉娜主編,《滿庭芳 歷代花卉名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2010年十二月初版一刷),頁44。