石渠寶笈三編(御書房),第七冊,頁3169&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁14&*張照(西元一六九一-一七四五年),華亭(今上海松江)人。字得天,號涇南、梧囪、天瓶居士。擅長書法,深通佛教經典,在法律和音樂方面也有很高的造詣。 張照的書法先從董其昌入手,後來又研習唐代的顏真卿以及宋代米芾,所以他的書風雄渾厚實。這幅字雖然墨色變化豐富,不過筆力稍嫌柔弱,可能是因為這件書蹟是奉皇帝的敕命所作,難免受到牽制,因此顯得較為拘謹。&*張照(西元一六九一─一七四五年),華亭(今上海松江)人。字得天,號涇南,別號梧囪,又號天瓶居士。性地高明,深通釋典,研法律,精音樂,尤工書法。 張照書法初從董其昌入手,繼乃出入米芾、顏真卿,頗有渾厚之勢。其字往往墨豐而筆偏弱,或因身在朝中,多為奉命之作,故不免有所牽制,而較顯拘泥了。 &*Chang Chao was a native of the Shanghai area. Exceptionally bright, he was known for his erudition in the Classics and legal traditions as well as his skill at both music and calligraphy. Early in his calligraphic training, Chang studied the style of Tung Ch'i-ch'ang. Later, he looked to the venerated traditions of Mi Fu and Yen Chen-ch'ing to give his style depth and power. Most of his surviving works reveal the use of dark, rich ink, but betray some weakness in brushwork. This perhaps resulted from the fact that most of his works were done at the behest of the emperor, and he was thus subject to certain expectations of style and form to which he consistently adhered.