石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第六冊,頁3061&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁131 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁95-96&* 艾啟蒙(西元一七0八-一七八0年),字醒菴,波西米亞人。乾隆十年(一七四五)入如意館,與朗世寧、王致誠同為畫院供奉。善畫,尤工翎毛,賜三品銜。 此為十駿之一,馬為準噶爾台吉噶爾丹策凌進貢。畫馬之大小與實馬近似,亦為寫生之作。本幅成於乾隆壬辰(一七七二)。 &* Ignace Sichelbart was a Jesuit from Bohemia. In China, he was given the Chinese name Ai Ch’i-meng and the style name Hsing-an. Starting in 1745, he worked as a painter in the Ju-i-kuan section of the palace. Like Guiseppe Castiglione, Jean-Denis Attiret, and other Europeans, he produced paintings for the court. Especially gifted at painting birds and other animals, Sichelbart was awarded the title of Third Rank. This painting represents one of ten tribute horses that was presented to the Ch’ing court by T’ai-chi of the Tsungar tribe from Galdan Cering, now in Sinkiang province. Sichelbart represented this horse almost life-size in scale, suggesting that it was probably painted from life. The work was completed in 1772.