秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁358&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁122&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁129-130&*丁觀鵬,生卒年里均不詳。乾隆時以善畫供奉於內廷,精人物。嘗師法明末丁雲鵬筆意,但人物開臉暈染兼採西洋畫法,故形象突顯,神情生動。 本幅繪文殊菩薩頭戴五佛寶冠,騎獅而坐,法相莊嚴。設色明麗,繪製精謹,一絲不苟。由於兼採西洋光影法入畫,更增立體效果。據作者款識,此畫作於乾隆二十六年(西元一七六一)四月,當與是年春乾隆皇帝瞻禮五臺山文殊菩薩聖像一事有關。 &*Ting Kuan-p’eng, a court painter under the Ch’ien-lung Emperor, excelled at Taoist and Buddhist themes as well as figures. He followed the style of the late Ming master Ting Yün-p’eng but added washes to faces and Western painting methods, highlighting forms with spirit and lifelikeness. Here, a dignified Mañjuśri, Bodhisattva of Wisdom, wears a crown with Five Dhyani Buddhas and rides a lion. The opulent colors and refined brushwork are meticulous in every way; adding Western-style lighting gives the work a volumetric effect. The artist’s inscription states this was done in the fourth month of 1761 and related to the Ch’ien-lung Emperor’s offering to the holy Mañjuśri sculpture at Mt. Wu-t’ai in the spring of that year.