故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁100&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁95-96&* 作者弘旿,生死時年不詳,惟以流傳作品看,他的繪畫活動應在乾隆十六(公元一七五一)年至五十七年(公元一七九二)間。為滿清宗室,字恕齋,又字醉迂,號一如居士、瑤華道人,官封固山貝子,能詩又能畫。他的山水畫,雖然自署上追宋元人,如本幅自題倣范寬,但從筆墨形式看,仍然不出王時敏、王原祁祖孫的影響。不過,他用筆純是中鋒,線條粗重繁密,加上結構森嚴,特別能够表現山領的渾厚峻拔的氣勢。&* Hung Wu (tzu Shu-chai, Tsui-yü; hao I-ju chü-shih, Yao-hua tao-jen) was a member of the Ch’ing imperial family. While his precise birth and death dates are not known, his dated works indicate that he was active between 1751 and 1792. Hung held an official post and was, moreover, a skilled poet and painter. In painting landscapes he professed to follow the masters of the Sung and Yüan dynasties. However, careful study of a painting like this, inscribed as “in the manner of Fan K’uan”, reveals that he, in fact, did not look beyond Wang Shih-min, Wang Chien and their followers. His dense, rough brushwork is focused on creating awe-inspiring compositions. He was, thus, particularly able to express the grandeur and lofty vitality of mountain peaks.