石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁676&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁105&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁337-338&* 張鵬翀(西元一六八八至一七四五年),字天飛(或作天扉),一字抑齋,號南華,人稱漆園散仙,嘉定(今屬上海市)人。雍正五年中進士,官詹事府詹事。善繪畫,尤精於山水,師承元四家。也擅長作詩,著南華詩集。 春山出雲圖為淺設色畫,筆墨純熟,行筆敷墨深受王翬的影響,兼具王原祁的遺法。而書法雍穆,有宋蘇東坡的韻味,是一幅張氏五十五歲時期之佳作。 &*Misty Spring Mountains Chang P’eng-ch’ung (1688-1745) Ch’ing Dynasty Chang P’eng-ch’ung (style names T’ien-fei and Yi-chai, sobriquet Nan-hua, and also called Ch’i-yüan san-hsien, “Idle sage of the Lacquer Gareden”), was from Chia-ting, today’s Shanghai. In 1727 he received his chin-shih degree, and was appointed minister in charge of household administration of the heir apparent. A skilled painter, especially of landscapes, he inherited the style of the Four Masters of the Yüan. Also an able poet, Chang was the author of Nan-hua Shih-chi. This painting was executed in light colors with deft brushwork. The movement of the brush and application of ink clearly reflect the influence of Wang Hui, while simultaneously exhibiting mannerism inherited form Wang Yüan-chi’i. Moreover, the calligraphy is majestic, with the flavor and essence of Su Tung-p’o of the Sung Dynasty. It is an excellent work, completed when Chang was fifty-four years old.