石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2564&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁265&*故宮歷代法書全集,第十六冊,頁156-167、189-191&*俞和(西元一三○七-一三八二年)字子中,號紫芝生,杭州人。少時學書得趙孟頫指授,遍臨晉唐諸體,其行草書幾可與趙氏亂真。 俞氏終身對書學藝術極熱愛,而又勤於臨寫,現今流傳的元人墨蹟,以數量論,除趙孟頫外,無人能超越他。此帖是洪武九年(一三七六)俞氏七十歲時所作,同年亦臨張芝書以及趙孟頫急就章。本幅選自「元人臨漢晉各帖」。&*Yu Ho, who resided in Hangchow, was taught calligraphy as a youth by Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322) and tended towards copying the styles of Chin and T'ang masters. His semi-cursive script was very similar to that of Chao Meng-fu's. Yu Ho was passionate about the art of calligraphy throughout his life and was diligent in his copying of works by the old masters. Of the surviving works by Yuan calligraphers, his are second to only those of Chao Meng-fu. This work was done in 1376 at the age of 69. It is a copy of two models of calligraphy by Wang Hsi-chih---Inquiring and The Capital. In that same year, Yu Ho also copied the calligraphy of Chang Chih and "Model Essay for Draft Cursive" by Chao Meng-fu.