石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2503-2509 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁164-171 &*蔡襄(西元1012-1067年),字君謨,福建仙遊人,天聖八年進士,官至端明殿學士,是北宋四大書家之一。 蔡襄的行書學晉唐人,沒有蘇、黃、米那樣鮮明的個人風格,但是他的楷書卻能總結宋初崇尚顏真卿的風氣,代表學顏宋楷的一個高峰。此幅厚重的字體間架受顏體影響,但是筆法非常妍美,宋四大家中,蔡襄學顏最神形俱似,但是氣骨稍嫌不足。 本幅為「宋賢書翰」冊一。&*Ts'ai Hsiang was a native of Fukien and a chin-shih degree holder of 1031. He went on to serve as Academician of the Tuan-ming Hall and was one of the Four Great Northern Sung Masters of calligraphy. Ts'ai's running script followed that of Chin and T'ang masters without the personal styles of later Northern Sung calligraphers, such as Su Shih, Huang T'ing-chien, or Mi Fu. His standard script sums up the early Sung reverence for Yen Chen-ch'ing and represents the peak in Sung standard script after Yen. The heaviness here reveals the influence of Yen's style, but the appearance is beautiful. Among the Four Great Masters, Ts'ai followed most closely after Yen, but without as much formal dignity. This is leaf one from Calligraphy by the Sung Greats.