石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁709 &*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁151 &*故宮歷代法書全集,第十一冊,頁66-87、196-198&*黃庭堅(1045--1105)字魯直,號涪翁,江西分寧人。與張耒、晁補之、秦觀同游蘇軾門,世稱「蘇門四學士」。書法淵源多種,主要受顏真卿、蘇軾和南朝刻石〈瘞鶴銘〉影響,發展出結字欹側,左右開展的書風。此作雖為小字,仍可看到黃書成熟期以後的特點。文中以原欲丟棄之發芽山預(山芋),試煮後卻風味甚好,來比喻人材不可輕棄之理。本幅選自「宋四家集冊」。(20100102)&* Huang Tingjian was a native of Fenning, Jiangxi. A famous litterateur and calligrapher of the Northern Song, he was a student of Su Shi along with Zhang Lei, Zhao Buzhi, and Qin Guan known as the “Four Disciples of Su.” Studying a wide range of calligraphy, he was most influenced by the styles of Yan Zhenqing, Su Shi, and a Southern Dynasties engraving (“Yihe Inscription”) to form his slanted style of characters from left to right. Despite the small characters here, we still see features of his late mature style. The contents mention sweet potatoes gone to sprout and to be thrown out, but found to be tasty only after cooking. It is a metaphor for not discarding a man of talent so readily. This is from the album “Collection of the Four Song Masters.”(20100102)