石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1097 &*故宮書畫錄(第三卷),第一冊,頁141 &*故宮歷代法書全集,第十一冊,頁4-37、186-193&*黃庭堅(西元一0四五-一一0五年),字魯直,號山谷道人、涪翁。江西分寧(今修水)人。以精於書法著稱,善行、草書,楷法亦自成一家。據稱其書初學周越,後轉學王獻之、張旭、懷素、顏真卿等人。縱橫奇倔,波瀾老成是黃氏書法特徵。 此帖趨於圓勁,用筆沉實,結體左右傾側,多連綿草勢,長筆外拓,英俊灑脫。選自《宋四家墨寶》冊第十一開。(20091015) &* Huang Tingjian (style name Luzhi; sobriquets Shangu daojen, Fuweng) was a native of Fenning in Jiangxi (modern Xiushui). He was renowned in calligraphy and excelled at running, cursive, and standard scripts, forming his own style. It is said he first studied the early Song style of Zhou Yue but later turned to those of Wang Xianzhi, Zhang Xu, Huaisu, and Yan Zhenqing. His eccentric, elongated, wavelike strokes are a feature of his style. This work tends to be more rounded in its force, the brushwork solid and the characters slanting left and right. There is much cursive force with many connected strokes, the long ones flaring out in a majestic and free manner. This is the 11th leaf from the album “Ink Treasures by the Four Song Masters.”(20091015)