故宮書畫錄(第三卷),第一冊,頁141 &*石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁1097 &*故宮歷代法書全集,第十一冊,頁4-37、186-193&*米芾(西元1051-1107年),初名黻,後改為芾。字元章,號鹿門居士、襄陽漫士等。祖籍山西太原,後遷至湖北襄陽,晚年居江蘇鎮江,亦稱吳人。芾精於鑒裁,徽宗崇寧三年(1104)詔立書畫院,為書畫兩學博士,殊為榮遇。所為詭異,時有可傳笑者,世稱米顛、米癡,又稱米南宮。 米芾書法師承廣泛,工楷、行、草、篆、隸諸書體,而以行書成就最高。蘇軾贊揚米芾書法:「當鍾(繇)王(羲之)並行,非但不愧而已」可為知言。選自「宋四家墨寶」冊。&*Mi Fu excelled at connoisseurship, but was also known for his eccentric and unusual behavior, hence his nicknames as "Mi the Crazy" and "Mi the Fool." The sources of Mi's calligraphy were varied, and he excelled at all the major script types. However, his greatest achievement was in running script. This leaf is from the album Calligraphic Treasures of the Four Sung Masters.