石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁483&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第一冊,頁17&*詹仲和,即詹和,字僖和,號鐵冠道人,四明(寧波)人,《寧波府志》作詹僖,弘治(西元一四八八-一五○五年)時為縣諸生,書學王羲之、趙孟頫皆能逼真,兼擅墨竹和白描。此作用筆勁利,結體攲側,風格近趙孟頫,冊末亦有「子昂」款,然線條過於勁挺,缺乏趙書的秀潤,「趙氏子昂」印亦偽。細究結字用筆,可知出自善學趙書的詹仲和之手。 原題「元趙孟頫書蘇軾稼說」。 (20120104)&* Zhan Zhonghe (style name Xihe, sobriquet Tieguan daoren) was also known as Zhan He. A native of Siming (modern Ningbo), Ningbo Gazetteer refers to him as Zhan Xi. A County Student of the Hongzhi era (1488-1505), he studied the calligraphy of Wang Xizhi and Zhao Mengfu with great fidelity, also excelling at ink bamboo and fine outline painting. In this work of strong and sharp brushwork, the slanted character forms and style are similar Zhao Mengfu’s. The end of this album ascribed to Zhao even has a “Zi’ang” signature for Zhao. The lines, though, are too strong and lacking Zhao’s elegant smoothness, the Zhao seal also being spurious. The brushwork in fine characters reveals the hand of Zhan Zhonghe, who excelled at Zhao’s style.(20120104)