石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1591 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁177 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁155-156&*胡廷暉(約西元十三世紀末),浙江吳興人,善於畫山水,趙孟頫非常欣賞他的繪技。 這幅畫描繪仙山中,瀑泉奔瀉其間。亭台樓閣依著山勢流泉建築,一名穿道服的長者,手裡拿著拂塵端坐在榻上。石徑上,殿閣中,還有人遊蕩徘徊。山石以粗獷筆調畫成輪廓,再以細筆作皴。加染石青石綠之後,更染以金色,有著金碧輝煌的感覺,增加仙境的美妙。&*Hu T'ing-hui was a native of Wu-hsing, in Kiangsu province. He was an accomplished painter of landscape, much appreciated by his great contemporary Chao Meng-fu. This painting depicts the land of the immortals where the sound of waterfalls echoes among mountain sides. Pavilions and balconies rise in many tiers above rushing waters. On a mountain terrace a man sits on a couch, apparently the God of Longevity. Celestial maidens gather round him, offering fruit and herbs and playing flutes and clappers. At the mountain's foot a stone bridge crosses a river; honoured guests are approaching. The artist used a rough brush to broadly outline the rocks and mountains, and then added details with finer brushstrokes. After applying the blue and green pigments, he also used some gold, thereby endowing the landscape with the luminous and glittering atmosphere of the realm of the immortals.