故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁92-93&故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁149-150&馬遠,字欽山。光、寧宗朝(西元一一八九-一二二四年)畫院待詔,畫山石用斧劈,筆力方硬。與夏圭齊名,時稱馬夏。本幅畫李白詩「舉杯邀明月,對影成三人。」,士人對著迷濛煙嵐,皎潔明月獨飲,氣氛浪漫。畫石用水份多的大斧劈,墨色分明,技法純熟,是明人學馬夏流派作品。幅右下角「欽禮」二字,學者認為是明代浙派後期名家鍾欽禮款。鍾禮,字欽禮,學戴進,善畫峰巒雲氣變化。&Ma Yuan was a Painter-in-Attendance at the Southern Sung court. Using “axe-cut” strokes to define rocks, his brushwork was strong and angular. He was as famous as his contemporary Hsia Kuei for their reduced compositions and brushwork. This work was inspired by Li Po's (701-762) line reading, “I raise my cup to the bright moon. With my shadow, we are three.” A scholar here faces a mist-filled gorge and drinks with a goblet under the bright moon above. Large axe-cut strokes define the rocks. The strong contrast in ink tones and mature technique indicate this was done by a Ming artist in the Ma Yuan and Hsia Kuei school. In the lower left is a signature that reads “Ch'in-li,” believed to be the style name of the late Ming Che School painter Chung Li, who excelled at representing peaks enveloped in mist.