故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁101 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁173-174&*1.〈傳宋馬遠山水人物(元孫君澤)〉,收入陳階晉、賴毓芝主編,《追索浙派》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁166。&*本幅畫松蔭下,二人朝向懸崖對岸,分別做仰、俯動作,彷彿正練著吐納之術。山石用側筆橫刷的斧劈皴,松枝曲折挺勁,薄霧掩映,筆墨畫意甚具有南宋院體風貌。畫成時代約在元、早明之際。原可能是屏風,今裱成立軸型式。 馬遠(約活躍於一一八九─一二二五年),生長在職業畫師家庭,曾任南宋宮廷畫院的待詔。其山水畫,取景重心常偏於畫面上的一角,因此被稱為「馬一角」。 &*This work shows 2 figures in the shade of pines overlooking mists and peaks. One looks up and the other bows down, almost as if practicing a ritual. The earthen forms here were done with axe-cut texture strokes using a slanted brush. The pine branches twist with force as they mingle in the thin mist. The brushwork has much of the Southern Sung academy manner, but this work was done in the 14th or early 15th century (between the Yüan and Ming dynasties). It also may have once been part of a screen that was trimmed into the present format. Ma Yüan, from a family of painters, served the Southern Sung court as a Painter-in-Attendance. He was known for his one-corner landscape compositions and hence was called “One-corner Ma”.