石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),頁1395 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁58 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁249&* 崔白(活動於11世紀)字子西,濠梁(今安徽鳳陽)人,仁宗時(西元1022─1063年)選入畫院當藝學。善畫花鳥,尤其擅長花竹、山兔、枯荷、水鳧、野雁之類。 這幅畫枇杷樹下,孔雀一對,一隻停在樹幹上,一隻行走花叢間,頭頂上飛翔著綬帶鳥,太湖石旁盛開各種花卉。整幅布滿了圖案,著色鮮麗,畫面顯得非常熱鬧富麗。 &* Ts’ui Po was a native of Hao-liang, Anhwei. His style name was Tzu-hsi. He excelled at painting birds, flowers and animals. During the reign of Jen-tsung (1023-1056), he was summoned to paint a screen for the Imperial Audience Hall. The Emperor was so pleased that Ts’ui was appointed to the Painting Academy. Two peacocks adorn this work; one perching in a loquat tree, the other strolling among clusters of flowers. Various other flowers blossom extravagantly among a fantastic T’ai-hu rock. The fullness of the composition and the brightness of the pigments endow this painting with vitality and luxurious beauty.