石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2675&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁56&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁231&*1.許郭璜,〈傳宋郭熙畫雪景〉,收入《李郭山水畫系特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1999年初版),頁91-92。 &*畫中主景偏右半邊,雪鋒層疊,陡壑懸瀑,作高遠景致,其間佈列茅舍、溪橋、樓閣、瀑泉、林木等。左半邊則繪溪澗蜿蜒,沙渚漁舟,遙山曠渺,作平遠景色。本幅無作者款印,舊以畫中狀似捲雲皴蟹爪枝法而傳為郭熙所作。事實上,無論從筆墨、構圖來看去郭熙遠甚,畫風亦不能到宋,而較近於明人作風。郭熙字淳夫,河南溫縣人。宋神宗熙寧年間 (1068-1077) 畫院藝學。&*The focus of this work is in the left part, consisting of snowy peaks stretching to the background. Below the mushrooming main peak is cascade. To the other side is a cliffside path and a building. Below, in the lower part, is a figure on a residence. To the right is a solitary figure on the water. The right opens up to a vast distance. Although this work has no seal or signature of the artist, the curled-cloud earthen forms and the “crab-claw” tree branches derive from the Kuo Hsi tradition. However, the composition and brushwork are far from those of Kuo Hsi, being closer to the style of the Ming. Kuo Hsi was a native of Honan who served in the academy of painting under Shen-tsung.