石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁803&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁13&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁43-44&*本幅無名款,舊標為唐人。畫園池邊,竹樹掩映,臨水一側,欄杆圍繞。中設大案,坐飲者八人,一人立執檀板,二人樹下立談,侍者九人,人物神情雅俊,衣褶挺勁生動。竹樹俱用雙鉤,筆筆細勁,如鋼針鐫鐵,必盡全力。通幅筆跡繁密,千絲萬縷,而無一懈筆。院藏另有宋徽宗文會圖軸,與本幅結構筆法俱極相似,兩畫或均同出一源。 &*This painting which bears no artist's signature was originally attributed to an anonymous T'ang artist. Bamboos and trees stand along a garden pond which is surrounded by a balustrade. Figures sit and eat at a table which has been arranged in the center of the painting. Another figure holds castanets, two more stand under a tree in conversation, and nine others attend to the group. The figures are elegant and refined in appearance, and the plaits of their clothing are imbued with forceful strength. The bamboo and trees were all executed with double outlines, with each stroke thin yet as vigorous as vigorous as steel needles or as if carved out of iron. The myriad brushstrokes in this painting are all intricate, with not one stroke executed carelessly. There is another "Literati Gathering" painting by Emperor Hui-tsung (r.1100-1125) in the Museum's collection which resembles this work in composition and brushwork, suggesting that the two paintings could have originated from the same source. &*本幅無名款,舊標為唐人。畫園池邊,竹樹掩映,臨水一側,欄杆圍繞。中設大案,坐飲者八人,一人立執檀板,二人樹下立談,侍者九人,人物神情雅俊,衣褶挺勁生動。竹樹俱用雙鉤,筆筆細勁,如鋼針鐫鐵,必盡全力。通幅筆跡繁密,千絲萬縷,而無一懈筆。院藏另有宋徽宗〈文會圖〉軸,與本幅結構筆法俱極相似,兩畫或均同出一源。(20100710)&* This work, with no signature or seal of the artist, has an old label for an anonymous Tang artist. Bamboo and trees stand by a garden pond with a balustrade. Eight figures sit and drink at a large table in the middle. Another holds castanets, 2 stand under a tree in conversation, and 9 attendants appear here. All appear elegant, the clothing folds done with strength and vitality. Bamboo and trees have double outlines, each stroke thin yet vigorous reflecting the artist’s effort, like steel needles or carved from iron. Brushstrokes are dense and linked, with not a careless one. A “Literary Gathering” in the Museum collection by Huizong (r. 1100-1125) is similar in brushwork and arrangement, showing that both could have come from the same source.(20100710)