石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1740&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁549&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁7-8&* 黃鼎(西元一六六○-一七三○年),江蘇常熟人。字尊古,號曠亭。初畫山水時,跟丘園學習,後來以王翬、王原祁為師。 仄磵上危橋橫跨,雜樹相依偎著,遠處高峰突起。筆墨蒼茫中,呈現出一片寧靜。黃鼎雖然師法二王,但能獨闢蹊徑,因生平好遊覽,杖履所到,山川之狀一一寄之於畫。評者謂:「王翬看盡古今名畫,下筆有成法。鼎看盡九州山水,下筆有生機。」並稱大家。 &*Bridge Across the Ravine among Copse Huang Ting (1660-1730) Ch’ing Dynasty Huang Ting, with style name Tsun-ku and sobriquet K’uang-t’ing, was a native of Ch’ang-shu in Kiangsu province. He first learned landscape painting from Ch’iu Yüan and later from Wang Hui and Wang Yüan-ch’i, two of the six leading masters of the Ch’ing dynasty. In the foreground a small wooden bridge spans across a ravine, both edges of which are sparsely decorated with tall trees of assorted kinds. In the background tower distant mountains. His brushwork in hazy inking creates a peaceful mood. Though he learned from the two Wangs, Huang Ting was able to develop a style of his own. He loved and would reconstruct in his landscapes those beautiful mountains and rivers seen on the way. A critic has marked that Wang Hui exhaustively viewed the works by the ancient and contemporary masters so that he could paint with various methods, while Huang Ting observed the mountains and rivers of the whole country so that he could capture in his work the lively spirit of landscape. Each is indeed a master in his own way.