石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁674&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁536&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁233-234&*王雲(西元一六五二至一七三五年尚在),字漢藻,號清癡,江蘇高郵人,康熙時馳名江淮間。人物樓臺之作,近似仇英。 溪山深邃,洞壑相連,樹皆用夾葉,極為細緻。洞中有二人着棋,後山鐘乳蒙冪處,一僧誦經,上供佛像。並於巖陬洞隙,畫懸泉數道,縱橫於其間。覺組織嚴深,甚為精麗。 &* Wang Yűn was a native of Kao-yu in Kiangsu Province. His style name was Han-ts’ao and his sobriquet was Ching-ch’ih. During the reign of the K’ang-hsi Emperor (1662-1722), he gained particular fame in the Kiangsu area. The figures and buildings painted by Wang Yűn resemble those painted by the Ming Dynasty master, Ch’iu Ying (fl.ca. 1490-1552). A river winds through a deep valley surrounded by caves and trees. Two gentlemen play chess while a priest reads a sutra and sacrifices to Buddha. Streams and paths further adorn the landscape. The trees were painted with particular care and each leaf is meticulously delineated.