故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁71&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁245-246&*設色畫溪岸景緻,幅中一溪蜿蜒斜曲而上,兩岸林木鬱鬱,間有屋宇數椽。遠山層疊,泰半罩於雨霧之中。 本幅畫遠山近石之披麻皴紋較不顯明,大皆綴以橫筆「米點」;畫樹葉亦不勾勒,率以濃淡不等之墨直接畫出,水份飽滿,墨趣淋漓。以筆墨結構論此圖,乃學元初高克恭(西元一二四八—一三一0年)畫法,惟筆力較弱,烘染山嵐亦稍覺板滯,為後人學高氏畫風之作。&*This painting in ink and colors includes a foreground dominated by a stream winding diagonally towards the back. The trees on either bank are lush and in the middle are buildings partially hidden. The receding layers of the background mountains and hills are infused with rain-laden clouds and mists. The hemp-fiber texture strokes used to describe the foreground part of the distant mountains are not very clear, while many appear as horizontal "Mi dots." The leaves were not rendered first with outlines, but with varying shades of ink, the tones of which are rich and moist. Judging from the brushwork and composition, the painter was following in the style of Kao K'o-kung (1248-1310). Here, however, the brushstrokes are slightly weaker and the gradation of ink stiffer, indicating that this was done later by an artist following in the style of Kao.