石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第六冊,頁2698&*故宮書畫錄(卷一),第一冊,頁148-152&*楊載(西元一二七一-一三二三年),福建浦城人。後徙杭州。少孤,博涉群書,為文有跌宕氣。年四十,不仕。延祐(一三一四-一三二0年)初,登進士第,授承務郎。時趙孟頫在翰林,得載所為文,極推重之,由是文名動京師。 楊載書學趙孟頫,得其雅健,然姿媚雍容則不及。本幅水龍吟,用筆勁利,偶以側鋒取勢,結體略長,然仍見趙字影響。&*Yang Tsai was a native of P'u-ch'eng, Fukien, but he later moved to Hangchow. He lost his parents in his youth. His scholarship is erudite and his writing is unrestrained. At the age of thirty-nine he had still not entered government service. In the early Yen-yu era (1314-1320) he passed the chin-shih civel service examination and was appointed Gentleman for Rendering Service. At that time, the artist Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322) was at the Hanlin Academy and read Yang's writing. Chao subsequently spoke highly of him, and Yang thus attained literary fame in the capital. Yang studied the calligraphy of Chao Meng-fu and captured Chao's refinement and vigor, but did not attain an equal grace. The brushwork of this work is vigorous and sharp, with evidence of an occasional use of a slanted-tip brush to capture a greater force, and the characters are slightly long, though the influence of Chao's calligraphy is still visible in this work.