故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁164&* 陸治(西元一四九六-一五七六年),吳縣(今江蘇蘇州)人。字叔平,號包山子。好為詩及古文辭,善行楷,尤精通繪事。遊祝允明、文徵明門,其於丹青之學,務出其胸中奇,一時好稱。山水喜倣宋人,而時出己意。 荷塘一區,上築水榭,高士臨窗賞花,前有柳、後有梧桐,又棚架藤花,皆是夏日景致。俯視構景,重右而略左,上方復出一平坡,三面環繞,布局頗為別緻,款署辛未(西元一五七一年),時年七十六歲。惟此款,似不類陸書。本幅為「明人畫扇」冊第四開。 &*Lu Chih was a native of Soochow, Kiangsu province. His style name was Shu-p’ing; his sobriquet Pao-shan-tzu. He excelled at poetry, classical prose, calligraphy and painting. He was a close friend of Chu Yün-ming (1460-1526) and Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559), who taught him the art of painting. Lu developed his own special features, and became revered in his own time. He enjoyed imitating the styles of Sung masters, but often expressed his own ideas as well. In a pavilion surrounded by a lotus pond, a scholar sits gazing out a window enjoying flowers. In front of a house set further to the right are willow tress, and behind it are firmiana trees and a shed on which wisteria winds. All of these plants are common in summer scenery. The composition is heavily weighted on the right and scarce on the left. Near the top there is a flat slope which, when combined with the willow trees on the left and the pavilion, encircles the empty center ground. The composition of the painting is rather original. The work was executed in 1571, when Lu was seventy-six. &*1.王耀庭、張華芝,〈明陸治荷塘結夏〉,收入王耀庭、張華芝編,《明陸治作品展覽圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1992年初版),頁73。