故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁163&*項聖謨(西元一五九七-一六五八年),秀水(浙江嘉興)人。字孔彰,號易庵,又號胥山樵,別號松濤散仙、存存居士。乃元汴孫,家貧志潔,每鬻畫以自給。畫善山水、人物及花卉,俱因風格清雋,致能贏得士氣、作家兼備的令譽。本幅屬「明花卉畫冊」第九開,金箋本,幅中枝椏殆用赭墨揮寫,梅瓣則假白粉漬染,再以朱標畫蕊、汁綠點苔,幷輔以詠詩佈白,致令全畫饒具色澤明麗,與詩情洋溢之美。 &* Hsiang Sheng-mo (style name K’ung-chang; sobriquets I-an, Hsü-shan ch’iao, Sung-t’ao san-hsien, and Ts’un-ts’un chü-shih) was a native of Hsiu-shui (modern Chia-hsing, Chekiang) and the grandson of the art collector Hsiang Yüan-pien. Hsiang Sheng-mo’s family was poor, but he was of pure resolve, so every painting he sold was to support the family. He excelled at painting landscapes, figures, and flowers with purity of style; he thereby not only enjoyed fame as an artist but also as a literatus. This painting is on paper with gold leaf. Depicted in the work using only red ink is a bifurcating plum branch. The plum blossom petals were executed with washes of white, to which were added touches of vermilion for the stamens and green for the moss dots. In addition, the inclusion of a poem helps make the whole painting radiate and shine forth with its overflowing poetic beauty. &*1.劉芳如,〈明項聖謨垂枝寒香〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《畫梅名品特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1991年元月初版),頁93。