故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁163&*李流芳(西元一五七五-一六二九年),字茂宰,又字長蘅,號橿園,晚稱愼娛居士,本安徽歙縣人、僑居嘉定(今屬上海),與唐時升、婁堅、程嘉燧稱嘉定四君子,與錢謙益為友,常往來常熱。萬曆三十四年舉人,天啟間,閹宦專權,遂絕意功名。性友孝,文品為士林翹楚。工詩書,能刻印,精繪事,為畫中九友之一。枯松掛壁、濃墨重點、胎息於吳鎮,唯更見疏朗、飄逸。題跋以章草出之,筆法蒼勁、書畫相映、確是佳作。本幅為「明花卉畫冊」第七開。 &*Old Pine by a Rock Face Li Liu-fang (1575-1629) Ming Dynasty Li Liu-fang (style names Mao-hsing and Ch’ang-heng; sobriquet Chiang-yüan; later called Shen-yü chü-shih) was a native of She-hsien, Anhwei, but lived in Shanghai. In 1606 he passed the provincial examinations. In the T’ien-ch’i period (1621-1627), because the infamous eunuch Wei Chung-hsien gained power at court, he gave up hope of becoming an official. He was famous as a literatus and was skilled in composing poetry, writing essays, and carving seals. He excelled in painting, and is known as one of the “nine friends of painting.” Li Liu-fang has used varied ink tonalities to depict an old pine tree by a rock face. His technique harks back to the Yüan artist Wu Chen, but his style is more free and spontaneous. The inscription was written in draft cursive script, and the brushwork is well-practiced. In this excellent work, both the painting and the calligraphy complement each other. This is the seventh leaf in the album Flowers by Ming Artists (Ming Hua-hui hua-ts’e).