石渠寶笈三編(春澤齋),第八冊,頁4077&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁266&*喬仲常,北宋末河中(今山西永濟)人,工雜畫,尤長釋道人物故實,師李公麟。 庭園中兩株古柏交錯盤生,濃蔭蔽天。樹下童子五人,中一人赤膊表演倒立,其傍二童擊掌助興,左方一童子背嬰兒聞聲而至。諸童眼神均極凝注,或疾走,或翻倒,或傾身,姿態頗生動。 本頁為「集珍壽古冊」中一開。&*Ch'iao Chung-ch'ang, active late in the Northern Sung, was a native of Ho-chung (Yung-ch'i, Shansi). He was skilled in various genres of painting, particularly figure painting and religious subjects. He modeled his style after Li Kung-lin. Two old cypress trees grow entwined in a garden, their foliage covering the sky. Five children are seen below: one, half-naked, stands on his head while two others clap their hands and encourage from the side. At the left, another child, carrying a baby on his back, hears the commotion and comes to investigate. The concentration in the children's eyes is well-depicted; portrayed in various actions. Their manners and attitudes are filled with vitality.