石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁726&故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁247&李安忠(活動於西元十二世紀上半葉),曾任職於北宋徽宗宣和(1119-1129)畫院,後於南宋高宗紹興(1131-1162)間復職,賜金帶。擅畫花鳥走獸,尤工鉤勒。 本幅雖標名為「竹鳩」,但所畫的鳥類應是灰伯勞。伯勞有將獵物串掛在枝頭上的貯食行為,因此在畫中常配以有刺的荊棘或樹枝,本幅也不例外。又其生性強悍,故幅中雖是畫正蹲踞在竹枝上休息的伯勞,仍強調其鷹鉤嘴形、銳利的眼神和趾爪。不但畫出了伯勞的神韻,又以精緻的用筆,溫潤的設色,將羽毛絨絨的質感,及蹲踞時會蓬鬆起來,以致在細細的竹枝上顯得有些龐大和沈重的特色都表現了出來。歷來畫伯勞的作品,多不及本幅精實生動,這是宋代寫生觀念下,要求形神兼備的典型代表作之一。(譚怡令)& 李安忠(活動於西元12世紀上半葉)。居宣和畫院,歷官成忠郎。紹興間復職畫院,賜金帶,工畫花鳥走獸,尤工鉤勒。 本幅為「紈扇畫冊」第三幅,設色畫。荊條上立伯勞一,爪喙鉤曲,蓋肉食者。下畫竹梢,雙鉤填色。全幅鉤畫細謹,設色雅馴。右下竹葉間款題「五經郎李安忠畫」,鈐印一:「隴西郡記」。 & Li An-chung served in the Imperial Painting Academy during the Hsüan-ho period (1190-1125), and then attained the prestigious rank of Gentleman of Complete Loyalty. During the Shao-hsing era (1131-1162) ,he again entered the Academy and was awarded the Golden Belt . Li was noted for his renditions of birds , flowers , and animals .He was especially noted for his skill in the outline method of painting . A shrike perches on a bramble , its curved beak and talons indicating its carnivorous habits . The bamboo leaves were first outlined in black ink and then were filled in with color. The outlining brushwork throughout the painting is exceptionally fine , as is the artist’s application of color. The signature in the lower-right corner among the bamboo reads: “Painted by the Military Classicist Li An-chung.”This is the third leaf from the album wan-shan hua-ts’e.