故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁219&*一輪明月高懸天際,其下寒江平展,枯樹橫生蟹爪,景色蕭疏空闊。近處坡丘二起,左丘上,古松成雙,參差挺峙。松下亭中,有旅人坐憩。兩丘間,土橋橫江相連,沿著右丘,小徑一路蜿蜒東去,丘勢亦轉成峰,環抱於江渚之後。行旅三兩或騎或行,殆欲踏寒歸去。山石形若捲雲,皴法筆勢勁捷,遙山遠樹則用染與前景分虛實,空間的氣氛感頗為獨到。&*A bright moon is suspended high above the horizon. Beneath it stretches peacefully a cold river. Withered trees stand quietly, with horizontal branches extended like crab claw. The scene is one of solemn desolation as far as the eye can reach. The foreground consists of two hillocks: on the left slope, protrudes a pair of crooked, interwining pines. A traveller sits in thought in a pavilion beneath the pines. An earthen brigdge connects the two sloping banks of the river, and a narrow, twisting path winds its way over it and off to the right. The hillocks rise into mountain peaks, forming a sharp backdrop to the scene. Weary sojourners, walking or riding mules in twos and threes, seem almost desperate to be out of their cold and precarious situation. The mountains and rocks, piling up like curling clouds, have been described with a swift, vigorous brush. The distant mountains and trees, delineated only in wash, are an acute contrast to the more distinct foreground, rendering realistic the sense of distant depth.&*1.林莉娜,〈宋無款寒山行旅〉,收入林莉娜、張華芝編,《冬景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1989年元月初版),頁59。