故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁219&*秋山紅樹,景色怡人。幅右方峰嶺疊嶂,巍峨高聳,庭台樓閣隱於其下;左下一舟行於江中,對岸遙山層巒,綿延遠去。 畫中山石皴法兼雜斧劈皴和披麻皴法,設色以赭石鋪底,上罩染石青、石綠;畫樹則是雙勾夾葉和點葉相間,並傅染朱色、老綠,以狀秋色。筆法細緻,設色雅麗,呈現出明淨爽朗的秋光水色。 本幅選自「宋人集繪」第四開。&*This attractive scene of trees and mountains in autumn colors includes layers of peaks to one side that soar upwards. Terraced buildings are tucked below. In the lower left, a boat travels on the river. The peaks on the opposite bank fade off into the distance. The mountains and rocks reflect a mix of "axe-cut" and "twisted hemp-fiber" texture stroke methods. The coloring features a base of earthy ochre with washes of blue and green. The leaves of trees were done both with outlines and dots, which were then washed with cinnabar and dark green to suggest the colors of autumn. The fine brushwork and elegant colors also reveal the pure and crisp atmosphere associated with Fall. This is the 4th leaf from "Collected Paintings by Sung Artists".