石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2274&*故宮書畫錄(卷八)第四冊,頁103&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁281-282&*鄒一桂(西元一六八八─一七七二年),字元褒,號小山,江蘇無錫人。善工筆花卉,著有小山畫譜,為清初宮廷著名花卉畫家。 芙蓉二株,高低掩映,以水墨鉤花點葉,花瓣略染胭脂,如淡妝佳麗,有出塵之姿。花葉間雜以枯勁的蘆草,更顯出蕭瑟清涼的秋意。芙蓉能耐霜寒,畫上題詩所謂「拒霜」,即其別名。&* Tsou I-Kuei, a native of Kiangsu province, excelled at flower paintings in outline manner. The author of Hsiao-shan’s Painting Manual, he is considered one of the premier flower paintings of the early Ch’ing court. This work depicts two stems of hibiscus, one long and one short. Outlining the flowers and washing the leaves with ink, the petals were touched with rouge to give them a lovely and fresh touch as if wearing makeup. Among the leaves are reeds, suggesting the cool of autumn. In the inscription on the painting, the hibiscus is described as “enduring frost” for the ability to withstand the cold. It is thus also known by this expression.