故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,102頁&故宮書畫圖錄,第十一冊,頁199-200& 陳書(西元一六六0-一七三六年),浙江秀水人,號上元弟子,上元老人。適海鹽錢綸光,以長子陳群貴,誥封太淑人。善花鳥草蟲,亦擅山水人物。上元老人山水,筆意老辣,不似出於閨閣。雖為寫生,亦特重骨法,此幀傅彩艷麗,用筆蒼勁,為七十六歲所作。&Painting for the New Year Ch’en Shu (1660-1736) Ch’ing Dynasty Ch’en Shu (sobriquets Shang-yüan ti-tzu and Shang-yüan lao-jen.) was a native of Hsiu-shui (modern Chia-hsing, Chekiang). She was the wife of Ch’ien Pien-kuang. Because her eldest son, Ch’ien Ch’en-ch’un, attained high office, the emperor conferred upon her title of T’ai-shu (“Noble Lady”). Ch’en Shu was gifted at painting birds-and-flowers, figures and landscapes. Ch’en Shu’s landscapes were not in the style practiced by palace women, but rather were direct and forceful. In doing “sketching-from-life,” she paid special attention to the structure of forms. Both the use of color and brushwork in this painting are excellent. Ch’en Shu was seventy-five when she executed this scroll.