故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁184-185&*周文矩(活動於西元十世紀後期),為南唐翰林待詔,工人物仕女。庭園中,朱漆雕欄,文石芭蕉植於花台上,宮中女樂五人,二人分吹奏竹笙、彈撥琵琶,一人擊拍板,另二人拍手相和,狀至閒適。審其人物頭梳雙鬟髻,髮上插半月形角梳,各具丰彩。衣描用筆勁如游絲,設色雅淡,應為南宋院畫高手所作。仕女所坐朱漆方凳,席面藤編物,兩腿間巧妙形成壺門式輪廓,腿足為如意形。庭院設帳,橫杆較長,兩頭出挑上翹,飾有靈芝花飾,上搭掛有蓮花紋的綾緞布幔。 &*Chou Wen-chü was a Painter-in-Attendance at the Southern T'ang court and excelled at depicting figures, especially women. Enclosed within this garden setting defined by a red-lacquered railing are ornamental rocks and plantains. In the palace are five female musicians; two of them play bamboo pipes and the pipa, one keeps beat with clappers, and the other two clap in accompaniment. The hair of the figures have been combed into coiffures with topknots and tied with crescent-shaped hairpins, making for a colorful scene. Combined with the drapery lines tough as strands of silk and coloring light and refined, this work apparently came from the hand of a master of the Southern Sung (1127-1279) Painting Academy. The women are seated on rectangular red-lacquered stools with wicker for seats. Between the legs are intricately carved cusped openings, and the feet are in the shape of scepters. In this garden setting, an enclosure has been set up supported by long poles, the ends of which have projecting floral and "spirit fungi" (ling-chih) decor. The silk cloth is decorated with lotus blossom designs.